Michael AudasRead more about Michael

Michael Audas

Speech Pathologist

Michael graduated with a Master of Speech Pathology in 2019. Prior to joining DWSP in 2025, he worked as part of a multidisciplinary team in an early intervention. 

While working as a primary school teacher, Michael was led to speech pathology by a burgeoning interest in linguistics and evidence-based literacy interventions. Now, as then, Michael finds derives great joy from facilitating his clients’ journeys into new frontiers in both written and verbal language. Greatly influenced by prior studies in both Literature and Psychology, Michael is a firm believer that language and communication are far more than practical tools for exchanging information and expressing wants and needs; rather, they are liberating forces that allow individuals to reach new heights and to grow in relationship with others. 

Michael prides himself on working in an adaptive way with clients and their families. Some clients thrive best in a calm and subdued atmosphere, while others enjoy something more raucous. Either way, Michael is committed to doing whatever he can to make sure that the client has ownership of their sessions, which includes having a say over both how the session is run, as well as what goals they are pursuing in that session. Michael considers that a great milestone has been achieved when clients feel like they can be exactly who they are in his sessions. 

Michael is based at DWSP’s Northcote clinic.

More articles by Michael: https://www.deewardrop.com.au/from-reading-crisis-to-real-results-meet-speech-pathologist-michael/

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School Holiday Group Programs

DWSP Group Program registrations are now open!

Registrations for Term 3 school holiday programs close Friday, September 13th.

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